Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Goose Lake!

Goose Lake was so fun this year! There was so much fun things going on-Swimming, eating, boating, tubing, tanning, and just being with family! It was amazing, like it is every year! We also had an awesome meal we call Death by Corn, where you put tons of spices on top of mayonnaise covered corn! It is delicious! Here are my pictures of some of the fun things we did!

James by the lake, getting ready to go on a boat ride!
James by boat at Goose

Sophie after swimming!
Sophie at goose

Mom and Buddy by the beach!

Darby waiting to go on a boat

Uncle Billy at the beach

Kenna with her NEW CAMERA!!

Crisilee up by the house before dinner

Darby being sooo cute!

Ashlee taking pictures of the kids playing
Ashlee w/ Camera at goose 2

Just finishing up tubing…
Boat at Goose

Riah posing for a picture…

Like I said, Goose Lake was so fun. I’m so glad we’re able to go every year!
(Also I would like to note that this is officially my 10th post on this blog! whoo!)

1 comment:

Kulio said...

Great pictures!!! Goose Lake is so much fun :-)